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Yahweh's Servant






Yahweh wants all of His followers to be in fellowship with other believers. In this training manual of notes from Seersgate, also known as Susanna, Yahweh takes her out of the current church placement and sets her in a spiritual wilderness so that she can leave the old way of training from the institutionalized plan of how the established Church has become.


Yahweh wants a prophet who can learn of His placement of hearing from His mouth without fumbling around, trying to figure out what He could say. Seersgate enters a spiritual cave, and in this entering of a powerful stripping, Yahweh takes away her “comfy blanket” of emotionalism, tradition, and human learning, making her taste the brunt nature of serving Yahweh as if living in the days of old. What would benefit you as a reader? You can learn of how Yahweh actually engages outside of what is written in the Word yet will not contradict it. Yahweh says word-for-word conversations. These conversations are not to bring attention to the servant but to show that Yahweh can speak to whoever He chooses whenever He wills. Take a drink.

More entries are coming over time.



March 9, 2002




I just purchased this journal on Friday. I would like to dedicate it to the Lord. There are so many things that I would like to say, but I don’t really know how. I thank God for allowing me to live to see another day. We have been blessed with our income tax return.


There is so much that I would love to share with You. I wish that I knew where to start. I remember keeping a diary when I was a teenager. It is funny reading about everything I wrote so many years ago. I sometimes miss the simple things in life. I sometimes wish to do some things over again, but I realize that will not happen. I need to review the book of prophecy. I feel like this world will not last for too much longer. I can’t wait to finish school and get into the career I should be in. This note is enough for now. Be back a little later.


March 10, 2002




Today is Sunday. I wish that I went to church today. I felt weird not being there. I felt like I was missing something. I am now twenty-seven years old. I have two kids and three stepkids. I married my husband because I love him. Recently, he told me that he didn’t want any more kids. My heart fell to the floor. M___ rubbed my stomach, told me that he wanted a baby with me, and now he says that there is no reason to have any. I don’t know what to think or do. I want a baby with him so bad. I want that with him. I feel somehow that I do not treat him well. I will be visiting my children next week. B___ will be four on the fourteenth. I can’t believe how fast time is going by. I hope to finish my training by June to start ____ by August. It is now the 12th, and ___ just brought over our new king mattress. M___ isn’t talking to me. I wish that he would love me. I asked him to hug me and tell me he loved me, but he wouldn’t. I wish that he would. I cleaned up the bedrooms. I put our old queen-size bed in the room (girls’ room). It looks good in there.


I miss You, God. Sometimes, I feel like there is no one here who truly loves me. Thank You for loving me unconditionally. I am so sorry for not being a good daughter. I miss being close to You. Please show me how to get back. 


March 15, 2002




Hi, There. Today has been a day filled with so many weird emotions. I am in Virginia. I arrived yesterday. I came in at 9:45 a.m. into Newport News. I guess You already knew that. I have my kids, and I am very excited about the time I will be with my kids.


June 2, 2002




It is now about 12:15 a.m. I haven’t written in this journal for a while.


God, You know my heart. Sometimes it feels so painful. I need You in my life. I wish that my husband and I were getting along better. I want to be close to You. I want You to speak to my heart. Show me Your ways. Please teach me. Bless me with wisdom, Lord. I thank You for all that You have done. I love You, Father. I know that over time, I haven’t been what I should be. Please bring me back to You. Bless my family. I love my husband. I sometimes don’t know if he really loves me. Please help. What do I do? I miss You, Father. I want to be close. Please forgive me. I have sinned so many times. How can You continue to love me? I am not worthy of love, Your love. I am not righteous. I want to be holy. Please bless the service. Please speak to our hearts. Please, Father, I ask You to open my eyes to the Truth. Please show me how to be like You. I pray for financial, spiritual, and family miracles. Please, I ask for Your love and Your blessings. There is no one like You. Thank You, Father. 

—Your daughter, Susanna.


June 3, 2002




Mike is out with J___ and some other guy to discuss the business. It is almost 11 p.m., and he is still not home.


Lord, I don’t know what to say anymore. I feel like I will never be what I should be. Will I ever be free from this job situation? I am tired of it. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know about school or anything else. I do need You. You can see right through me. Don’t leave.


SUSANNA (cont.):


I am worthy of being His child. I have been bought with a price. I am a new creature in Christ. Old things are passed away. All things have become new! Thank You, Jesus.


August 22, 2003

Entry 1




Lord, I don’t want to see anyone else in pain and misery. I am tired of “playing” church; I want to see Your demonstrated power fall upon the land. I want to see people saved and people healed of anything and everything. I want to see crusades of people—loads and loads of them hungry for a touch from You. I want to see a revival in the land. Lord, I desire to feel Your presence in such a mighty way that the air is thick and hard to move through. I want to see the land broken and Your Church broken before You. Why can’t Your power be manifested? Why are we not close to You? We need You. We need Your anointing. We need Your power. We need You. None of this can be done without You, Lord. Lord, my desire is to serve You and bring glory to Your name, O, Lord. Lord, I want to make You happy. I want to see a great number come to know You. Lord, what is the plan that You have for me? What can I do for You, my Lord? How can I serve You?

—Your Daughter



August 22, 2003

Entry 2




Lord, I do remember when I was a little girl, around the age of eight or so, and I told a preacher named Bishop F___ that I wanted to be a missionary. He told me that night, as we were walking to the car that I was too young to be a missionary. Lord, I couldn’t understand why there was a cut-off age to begin. I was heartbroken, as You know. I didn’t understand. I still don’t understand. Now at twenty-eight years old, twenty years later, I am longing to know what You have in store for my family and me. Lord, please reveal to me what You desire of me. I love You, Lord. I am so sorry for the vows I have broken with You. I am so sorry for not keeping my promises. You have never left me. I am so sorry. I love You so much. Please forgive me for my sins. Please forgive me, Lord, for not keeping my word. Lord, I really meant that vow I made to You on Wednesday, 8/20/03, about serving You all the days of my life. Thank You for hearing my prayers and seeing my tears. Thank You for being such a loving God who never fails and who never gives up on us. Thank You for grace and unconditional love. Thank You for salvation. Thank You for sending Your Son to die on the cross for me and the whole world. Thank You for my life, health, and strength. Thank You for calling me. I am so sorry that I left You. You never left me. I can’t imagine my world without You in it. I can’t imagine (and I don’t want to) where I would be right now if You were not in my life. I know that I could have been dead, both physically and spiritually. Thank You for not giving up on me. Thank You for Your love. Lord, I desire to know You more. I want to sing a new song to You. Lord, I want to bless You. Lord, I want to serve You with a pure heart. Lord, I am Your servant and a slave to You. I am not my own. I belong to You, Lord. I am so happy that I call You Abba Father. I can talk to You about anything. You mean everything to me. Lord, I want to hear Your voice clearly. I want to feel Your presence everywhere I go. Lord, I know You are everywhere, but I want to feel You as close as I can while on this Earth. How close can I get to You, Lord, while I am on this Earth? Lord, I don’t want any glory at all. I want You. Teach me Your ways, Oh Lord, so that I may walk in the path that You have called for me. I know, Lord, that You do not have any respect for any person. I want to be as close as I can to You. It seems like everyone can let everyone down. I know that I can trust You, Lord. Please teach me how to be trustworthy. I want You to be able to trust me with Your anointing. Please teach me to obey You and not question You in any way. I realize that obedience is better than sacrifice. I want to be humble. Teach me, Father, how to be humble and more like You. Teach me, Great Holy Spirit, Your Word. Teach me the things of You. Lord, I long to be more like You, Lord. I believe that You cannot lie. Teach me how to be like You. I want to be in Your presence. I want to see Your glory. I want to see Your glory! Lord, show me Your glory! I need You, Lord. I need You. Please reveal Yourself to me. Please open my eyes, my spiritual eyes, that I may see You. Please reveal Your word to me. Teach me, Lord, how to write new songs to You. Teach me how to sing to Your glory. Teach me. Lord, You are so beautiful. Lord, Your Word is powerful. Lord, You are so holy. Lord, You are worthy of all praise and all glory. Lord, there is none like You. Worthy is Your name. Lord, You have created me in Your image. Lord, You have known me even in my mother’s womb. Lord, You have made me the way that I am. How I can’t wait to see You. I can’t wait to see You face to face. I cannot imagine eternity. I cannot imagine what You have prepared for us when we go to Heaven. Lord, may I see Your glory? Lord, I know I am not all that (I don’t know the proper words to use). I know I could die if I was in Your glory, but I want my flesh to die so that I can see You. Lord, thank You for being in the midst of the drama production (at church). It was wonderful and awesome to see the souls come to You. Lord, Your presence was so strong in the sanctuary. Lord, can it always be that way? Lord, that would be nice. Thank You for listening. Lord, this is my prayer to You.


September 28, 2003




Lord! I don’t know what to say in a way. I feel as if I don’t have a place anywhere. I really hate this feeling. I really don’t understand so much. I desire to get closer to You. Why do I feel this way? I know what Your Word says. Father, do I come across the wrong way to people? Lord, please forgive me for all of the things that I have done wrong in my life. Please teach me how to kill my flesh (fleshly nature). Please show me how to be humble. Please show me how to be a servant. Please create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me. I don’t want to walk in the flesh. I want to walk in Your Spirit. I don’t want to play church. I am tired of the things that I see. If we just get closer to You, Lord, we can be good workers for You, Lord. I am willing to pay the price for spiritual power. Lord, I am willing to pay this large price. Lord, I don’t care about being famous or having a lot of money. I just want You, Father. I want to see You. I am nothing. I have nothing. I have nothing to give You but myself. Please teach me, Great Holy Spirit.


January 29, 2004




The Lord has been so good to me! He is worthy of all praise and all glory! The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. All of the Earth belongs to God, including us!


I am enjoying spending precious time with the Great Holy Spirit. I love the fellowship; I want it to grow. I want more of this fellowship. I want the Great Holy Spirit to tell me more about Jesus. I am so excited that I will be able to spend more time with the Great Holy Spirit.


I pray that the Lord continues to reveal His Word to me. I pray that I learn more about Him. I pray that everyone will better understand who the Great Holy Spirit is. I pray for revival. I pray for a restoration and refreshing that will come from the Lord. I pray that the Great Holy Spirit is our Comforter and our Leader. I pray that the Great Holy Spirit will teach us all things and that we will walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.


February 11, 2004




My God is so good to me. Yahweh has provided all of my needs. The Lord has given me a wonderful husband. Last night, I confessed to my husband everything I had done to hurt him. I was so overwhelmed with guilt, and for the first time, I couldn’t go to sleep unless I told him.


I knew that I was a new creature in Christ. I told him why I always felt like I had to know why he loved me. I didn’t want him only to like my body, but I needed him to like me—to love me. He told me that I was not that other person anymore. He held me in his arms and loved me. He told me that I have to forgive myself, and I truly realize now that I haven’t forgiven myself for everything I have done to hurt myself and everyone else in my life. I never want to go back to the old ways.


Father, I need Your help. I don’t want to go back to the old, confused Susanna. I need Your help. I don’t want to sin against You. I love You so much. Please help me to love myself. Please help me to forgive myself. Please help me to get past myself and to concentrate on You, Lord. I need You so much.


I believe that God is in charge of our lives and has a work for us to do for the Kingdom. I will learn to be still and know that He is God. 


February 23, 2004




Yesterday, one of the prayer team members was praying for me. A second one joined in. He told me to raise my hands. I did. He told me to tell God that “I receive His love.” I had the hardest time doing this. When I finally received the love of God, only after I said that I received His love could I feel something warm cover my body—from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. This was the first time I could truly say I understood and felt God’s love. Satan tried to make me feel unworthy to receive God’s love, but that is the lie of the enemy. My past is gone, and I am no longer that person. I asked my husband to forgive me for all the times I came across as self-righteous. I could already feel a difference in my life since yesterday at the altar. I believe that I have truly forgiven, even myself. I pray for God’s leading in every area of my life.


March 4, 2004




Today is an interesting day. In my life at this time, I am still at home. I still haven’t finished year one of seminary. I just purchased a keyboard to start learning music. I no longer want to build an ___ empire. Now I have this strong desire to only do the will of God. I just pray that I will truly know His will. I am taking acting lessons with ___. I am waiting to print my headshots, etc. It all seems like so much to do, yet I feel like I am unorganized. I can’t believe that we have been going without me working full-time. God has fully provided for us in all areas. My heart still aches for my children. I long to hold them in my arms. I still believe God for our baby. I believe God for debt cancellation this year! I know that He is in control of our lives. I am not worried if we have to move in the next couple of months to another state. Wherever He puts us, I know it is not up to the C.G. but only up to God. God is taking me to a place of just choosing to let His will be done. Even though Satan has tried to make me feel unworthy or feel as if God hasn’t forgiven me for everything, I know God has. The 22nd of February was very special for me. God showed me His love. I felt His love in a mighty way.


Since then, I don’t want to focus on the pastors or leaders. I only want to focus on God. I don’t want to be stuck in the inner court. I want to go deeper into the Holy of Holies. I want to fellowship with God and walk and talk with God. I want to walk in love. I want to walk in the Spirit. I want to be in the image of God (where people notice I have been with Him). I want to be available to God. I want to be a “Yes, Lord” vessel. I choose my heavenly Father’s bloodline. I choose life. I renounce the infirmities of my past and of my earthly family line. I choose not to walk in those things. I choose to wait on God. I choose to trust in Him. I pray this, and I also pray that God will heal my marriage and will also heal my husband’s hurting heart. I pray for wholeness and restoration in my family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


March 5, 2004




I am starting to realize that there is nothing I can do to further myself. I tried flying and getting a flying degree, but that failed. I tried going to BCC, but I had already drained all of my money supplies. I tried I.S., but I realized they are not regionally accredited. Who would take their transfer of credits? I am considering it now. I feel like a ship tossed to and fro. I tried ___, and I am not a person who enjoys lying to people to get them to buy stuff. Right now, M___ and I are also having relationship-marital problems. Back on Tuesday night, he totally put up another wall with me. He totally shut me out. He wouldn’t take his test for school. I just don’t understand any of this. I haven’t felt this frustrated in a very long time. I need to hear from God. I need to know His voice. I need Yahweh to speak to me. 


What do I do, Lord? I do put my whole trust in You. But I know that if I fully trust You, I would not need to know where we are going, nor would I have to see where I am in a few months.


March 13, 2004




This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. My God has been gracious to me. He has supplied all of my needs according to His riches in glory. I will stand and believe that there is nothing that my God cannot do. He is Yahweh. He is Almighty. I love the Lord. He supplies all of my needs. I wish that I could see Him. I am sometimes a little frustrated about some things, but I am learning to fully trust my God and let Him be in control. The Easter play rehearsals are going well. God truly has His hand on everything going on. I really want to commune with the Great Holy Spirit. I really want to talk to Him. I want to fellowship with Him.


The Lord told me to meditate on the Word and be ready. He will use me and not worry about what I will say to others, for He will give me the words to say. He told me to preach the Gospel. I told Him that I would really like to see Him, and He said that I would soon see Him because He is coming back very soon. He is telling us to be ready.




March 15, 2004




The Lord is great! I praise Him for all He has done! I am so glad that He cares about us. I love the Lord. I told Mike on the way to Sunday morning service that I am “in love” with God. I never said that before. It just came out like that. I thank the Lord for all that He has done. B____ turned six years old yesterday. My kids are a wonderful gift from the Lord. My Lord God is powerful, mighty, Holy, real. He loves us so much. He wants us to be whole and restored. He wants us to receive His love and spread it around. He wants us to be humble and walk in His love. I am trusting God for healing in our marriage, for our baby that He is going to give us. I am trusting Him to get out of debt. I trust Him to lead us and to guide us.


Dear Father in Heaven. I love You so much. Thank You for all that You have done. You are mighty, holy, and worthy of all praise. Thank You for loving me and setting me free. Thank You for my family and the baby coming :o). Thank You for life, health, strength, and shelter. Thank You for my husband. Thank You for sending Your precious Son to die for me. Thank You for Your Spirit. I believe that there is nothing You cannot do. I believe that You are in control of everything. I believe that You have everything and that You know everything. There is nothing that You cannot do. There is nothing too hard for You, Lord. I am asking for wisdom, Your boldness, and that the favor of God will be upon me and my household—that doors will be opened and that we can walk into the destiny that You have for us. Thank You, Lord. I love You. —Your Child


March 22, 2004




Today is a wonderful day that the Lord has made. He is such a good God, a holy God, a faithful God! He is lovely and worthy of all praise!


I put my whole trust in You, Lord.


That night at the altar, when I was calling out to the Lord, I felt something dripping on my forehead (top of my head). I went to wipe it off, but there was nothing there. Come to find out, that was being done in the spirit realm. I felt it! It was a thick liquid, and it was draining down my face (the side). The power of God was so strong in that place. I didn’t want to leave.


I pray to know God’s will and obey whatever He tells me.


March 23, 2004




I just wanted to give King Jesus all of the glory, honor, and praise. Last night (Monday night), my husband gave his life to the Lord! J.D. came to speak at our church, and M___ came to the altar. The funny thing is that I just came to the entrance of the doorway (in the back near the ministry station) not expecting to help in any way. D___ was walking towards the back of the church (where I was standing) and told me that we needed to gather everything together for the new Christians. I opened the side door to the sanctuary to meet L___, and the new believers were leaving the sanctuary to go to the activity center through the kitchen. Mike was going in with them, but for some reason, I didn’t think he was giving his life to the Lord, but he was. I was so happy about that! I was so thankful; I am so thankful to my Lord!


Lord, my desire is to be just like that family that J___ spoke of in Heaven that were all together. I love waterfalls. I love water, Lord. I would love for M___ and I to have two children, a boy, and a girl. I would love to see all of my family there in Heaven.


I went to the doctor today, and she told me that I had cysts my ovary and that is what was causing all of the pain during ovulation. They did a pregnancy test. It wasn’t what I was hoping for. Soon. I believe God and His promises.


The Lord is my light and my salvation. Who shall I fear? The Lord is my shield. The Lord keeps me under His wings. I am under the shadow of the Almighty. My trust is in the Lord Yahweh. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The One True God. Blessed by the name of the Lord.


I love You, Lord.

—Your daughter


April 8, 2004




Thank You, Lord, for all that You have done. I am sorry that I was unable to go through all three days of fasting. Life has seemed really weird lately, I guess. I am learning so much from the Lord. I am so excited about what God is doing. I believe in miracles. I believe that we will be totally healed, restored, and overcome by the blessings and miracles of God.


God is training me. He is teaching me very important lessons. Sometimes it seems easier to write a letter to the Lord than to talk to Him (in prayer). I looked at a few photos today and couldn’t believe how different I am. Because of my Lord, I am not the same. I can even see it in my eyes.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You have done. You are worthy of all praise and all glory. There is none like You, Lord.


God is teaching me not to focus on human beings; not to be emotionally dependent on others. He is training me, but sometimes I am too lazy or unconfident. I don’t want to be this way anymore. I want to be like my Lord all the way. I want to do His will. Calling: I believe that God has called me to worship Him. I know that I cannot do any of this. It is by God’s power that this will get done. Today is a day of cleansing and repentance. The Great Holy Spirit is showing me so many things that I need to pray about and so much sin in my life. I will be obedient and start over with God and go deep, starting today.


May 1, 2004




The Lord is cleaning house. The Lord showed me (a few weeks ago) that I didn’t respect my pastor or other leaders. If I didn’t respect my leaders, how could I submit under the authority of the Great Holy Spirit? I asked my pastor to forgive me for being disrespectful to him. I told him I was so caught up in comparing him with the pastors I grew up with and how they lived. I shouldn’t have done that at all. I desire to live for the Lord and not focus on any particular leader but on God.


Dear Father God. Please forgive me for the many times I didn’t trust You as my Source, as my Provider. Please forgive me for doubting You and not believing Your Word. Lord, please cleanse me from all unrighteousness and from all sin. Please wash me clean. Please create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me. Please heal my heart from the hurt that I have received from my husband. Please be with my children. Please give me wisdom. I love You, Lord. I love You so much. I am tired of messing up. I don’t want to hurt You anymore. Please, I want to receive Your love. I receive, by faith, all that You have for me. I pray in Jesus’ name.


May 17, 2004




Many will not accept the move of God and say that it is a move of Satan. This is blasphemy. Some will fall away and give heed to seducing spirits. Many will embrace the revival, the mighty move of God. We need to keep our spiritual armor on. We need to pray for the people to grab hold of the vision of God. Are you ready?


May 22, 2004




I am looking for a Bride, for a people who will worship Me in spirit and in truth, those who will not have other idols before Me. There will be a great outpouring of the Spirit of God. In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Do not look at how others worship. Keep your focus on Me. Know that your help comes from the Lord. Do not watch others; watch God. God is your help. Do not desire the things of this world. Remember, God looks at the heart. People look at the outside appearance. God is not limited by man. Desire to be like and walk like Jesus. Jesus is looking for people who will seek after Him with their whole heart.




Lord, please don’t let us seek after the gifts and not the Giver of the gifts. Please forgive us for seeking You halfway. Please forgive us for loving the things of this world and being separated from You. Forgive us for not having You in our lives and being people pleasers. Please forgive us, Father, for thinking that we know everything and taking the time we spend with You lightly. Please give us that hunger and desire to know You more, to be intimate with You. Burn me up, Lord, in your fire. Purify me, Lord. I want You to see Your reflection in me. I need You, and I love You.


May 23, 2004




My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The Word says to seek My face, but it also says to turn from their wicked ways. If people will seek Me with their whole heart. I am looking for true worshippers. Those who will worship Me in spirit and in truth. I want to draw near to My people, but sin keeps Me away. They are worshipping with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.


I am raising up My army who will worship Me in spirit and in truth, who will speak with boldness and authority, an army who will not veer off of the Word but will preach the Word with boldness and authority. Stay connected to the Vine. When you are connected, you will bear fruit. This is how you know who My disciples are, only by their fruit. Stay connected to the Vine. Remember that My Father does the pruning, not man. Seek My face and turn from your wicked ways, and I will hear from Heaven, forgive your sins, and will heal your land.


I am doing a new thing, such as you have never seen before. There will be many great miracles, many great signs, and wonders. But remember that everyone who does miracles and signs is not My disciple. Remember that before the Throne, many will say, “Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in Your name? Did we not prophesy in Your name? Did we not heal the sick in Your name?” And I will say, “Depart from Me. I never knew you. Your work is the work of iniquity.”


When the power of God falls in the last days, many things will be going on. Unless you have a true relationship with Me, you will not see the Kingdom of God. No sin can enter into the gates of Heaven. No sin can enter in. No one who practices sin will be allowed to enter in. There must be true repentance. True turning away from sin. There must be godly sorrow.


Susanna, I am a just God, a righteous God. It is against My nature to allow sin into My glory. To allow sin, I cannot. The road is straight. The road is narrow. There will be few who will be able to find it. Relationship is the key. Who do you know? Friend to the world is an enemy to God. You cannot serve two masters. You must hate the one and love the other. You must take up your cross and follow Me. You cannot love your life. You must be willing to lose your life for Me.


May 24, 2004

Monday Night Prayer




Many will miss it. Many are too busy being concerned with religion and tradition. They are fearful of the unknown and therefore are unable to trust Me. They are satisfied staying in the old and will not allow My Holy Spirit to cleanse them, to purify them. It hurts being cleansed and changed. But this work is required.


The Holy Spirit must be in charge. The Holy Spirit must be given the freedom to do His cleansing, renewing changing work. This move is of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is looking for available vessels. He will do the housecleaning. The Holy Spirit will do the work. He doesn’t need the help of man. Man needs to stay out of the way.


May 27, 2004

Thursday Night Prayer




Many will not be able to handle being in the glory of God. They think that it is some “thing,” some feeling that will come and go. They do not fully understand the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many will run to and fro, putting their priorities before Me. Many will keep their idols while attempting to offer praises to Me. With dirty hands, they offer up sacrifices to Me.


Many people look at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart. I weigh the matters of the heart, not how often someone brings Me a sacrifice out of the wrong motive. Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Look to Me as your source that never runs dry.


I am the Living Water. My water will never run dry. Drink of this living water and never thirst again. I am the Bread of Life. Eat of Me and never die. I rain on the just as well as the unjust. Don’t you realize that I cannot lie and that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh? I do not lie. My Word will never return to Me void. Do you believe that I can do as I have said? Do you believe that with God, nothing is impossible? Where does your faith lie? Is it in houses, in land? Is it in your finances?


Don’t you realize that I am looking for those who are faithful? Don’t you know that I look at and examine the heart? If you do not bear fruit, you will be separated from Me. My sheep will bear fruit, not signs and wonders. Remember, the gifts and the calling are irrevocable. If My people will just seek after Me and not gifts. If they would see that the servant is not greater than His master.


Listen for My voice. There will be many voices crying out in these last days. Do not falter. Do not grow weary in your well-doing. Call unto Me, and I will answer. I will answer you. I will hear you. The time is short. Judgment will come upon the earth. The army in Heaven is getting ready. Jesus is coming back soon for His Bride, His Church. Do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor sit in the seat of the scornful. Stay separated for duty to meet the high calling. Be ready to meet the King of Kings.


Greater works shall you do than were done in the Book of Acts. Walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Do not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.


May 28, 2004




God is looking for people who will be obedient to His Word. Obedience is better than sacrifice. He is looking for a pure heart. He is looking for vessels that are not tainted with the cares and things of this world. He is looking for a faithful Bride who is always set apart for Him. A Bride who is not committing spiritual adultery as she waits for the Bridegroom.


Don’t give up. The time is short. Be set apart for the Master. There are idols that people have in their lives that are taking My place. I am a jealous God. You cannot have other Gods before Me. People are putting many things ahead of Me. I have to be first. I have to come first. I am God. I am the Great I AM. The idols have to go.


May 29, 2004

Prayer Night




I pray that we will have a deeper revelation of who King Jesus is. I pray that we will not be the same ever again. I pray that we will die to our flesh daily. I pray that our relationship is changed. Lord, there is nothing impossible for the Great I AM. Lord, teach us how to be like You. Please show us how to walk in the Spirit and not in this prison of flesh. Please separate the flesh veil that is over our eyes that brings a hindrance to walking in our calling.


Please, Great Holy Spirit, have Your way in my heart and life. Great Holy Spirit, please change me. Please open my eyes to the truth. Please allow me to see with my spiritual eyes. Please give me Your wisdom and understanding. Please rule and reign in my life. Please, Lord. I am Your servant. I want to do Your will. I want to be like You, King Jesus. I want to see You, King Jesus. I want to know You, King Jesus. I need You. I need a revelation of You. I need to know You deeper. Take me higher and further in You. Father God, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I love You, Lord. I adore You, Lord. I honor You, Lord. —Your Daughter




Do not be burdened or heavy laden. Do not worry about the future, for I am in control. Be steadfast, unmovable. Do not look with your natural eyes. Do not set your eyes on things that are temporal. Set your eyes on things that are eternal. Watch for Me in the clouds. Do not be weary. Do not lose hope. I am with you.




Jesus is God Yahweh

The Great Holy Spirit is God Yahweh

Father God is Yahweh

You Must Be Born Again!


Houston, Texas
United States

Rain and Seersgate

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