Texas USA
Services will truly look at doing church ways with a new approach when they plan to read this detail. I showed up barely in time for the service’s summer start time of 10 a.m. I learned that I must be there at each church building at least fifteen minutes before the service starts. (Yahweh can change the arrival time based on if He is testing me or the church gathering.)
I noticed the church building looked different in the spirit realm than others will note in the natural. While driving up to the building, the Great King showed me how the unseen way looked around that church building. With a spiritual vision, I was able to see a covering over the church building itself. At first, I wasn’t sure what it was, but Yahweh showed me how He viewed this one as I waited.
I saw a massive bag of sludge over the church building in the spirit realm. That way to call it sludge would be to refer to it as a mixture of dark gray with a runny consistency that moved as cement while still wet. It was on the roof, and when inside, I could feel it seeping into the church building atmosphere.
I could not feel a power surging in this building. I noticed heavy striving.
The worship leader begged the people to raise their hands in worship, which would give a plan to think a breakthrough was there. The atmosphere was thick with all of the cares of others’ living. I could not lift my hands without pushing against a heavy spiritual weight from what was seeping through the roof. Music is a great need to be a way to minister in the form given in King Jesus.
The pastor did not speak, for he had a guest speaker who pastors a new church building. She is trained in Scripture and does a great job in presentation. She still has a great deal to learn, not through reading. She will learn through experience, living it out in real ways. Baby churches with baby-level pastors, teaching people baby words and never growing. How can churches maintain this level?
Notice the slime/sludge mixture did not cover the whole roof, which would give the impression that there is freedom in spiritual details. There needs to be a true church-level prophet in each church who can work with the pastor to give their details released through the Great King to help the church people grow spiritually. Pastors should not fear any true prophet working with them in that will. But if they learned spiritual dealings, there would be greater wisdom past the baby teachings to train them to handle what is unseen.
There is so much to learn concerning how to move in healing. Will church people drink it, Great King? Will they truly learn to digest real meat?
February 26, 2022
Yahweh will bring the real meat at the right time. I do not give baby churches any surging that will make them feel that they are able to walk on their own in their novice way of leading. This is taking way with churches: Now they call in people with baby training to heal, deliver and place them in a form of spiritual bondage. How will that church gathering understand the need for a spiritual overhaul? They need to see what real power looks like. And power is not gauged by the action of manifesting demons.
Houston Vicinity - Texas
The servant was given a major detail previously, to go to another church building to be a detail the King would be able to use in His service. Praise be to the Great King for His grace and mercy! It was the first Sunday given for me in attending; there were no ways given in the past to visit this church building. In all things, it is difficult to attend a new church, even if just for work purposes. That’s how I viewed going to this church way, for it wasn’t Yahweh’s plan to make it a house to stay under, in joining details.
At this church way, the culture was different under a certain way of presentation in all parts. There were not many people who were in a certain dress above the casual look, and it did not bother me in that detail. The servant has learned what is most important: to bring no attention to your looks that takes away from Yahweh being first.
My dress in appearance was a business look, with beautiful red lipstick. I mention my lipstick on purpose, for many women are placed in lower categories of spiritual cleanness if they wear red lipstick. Power will not flow if you are covered from head to toe, with only your eyes showing. Power will flow when your body is used by the true Power Source, the Great Way.
When in this church building, the lady who moved in serving as a greeter was pure in vision, where love flowed from her spirit. I was able to drink her sincerity, and there moved no ill will in her plan in presenting us to her church way. The person who opens the church way has a great place in serving. Greeters should be seen as a “face” to their church gathering, where love should be the main way they reach thirsty people.
There is a major opportunity for a powerful transfer of God’s power when ushers and greeters touch others with offering plates and booklets of church details. These people who give service to the Great King in these positions are priceless to the Kingdom work and should look at their ways in service as highest.
The battle rages on. The witches and others that move in the occult could be transferring demons into people. But the ushers who pray and seek Yahweh can truly walk in a level of great authority if they love and give out love in the Great King. Power comes into action with deep submission in Kingdom authority, for submission is the opposite of Satan’s nature, which includes rebelling to get selfish gain.
Back to this detail: I was in the worship part of the service, and God had a detail for me to drink that day. Some people raised their hands, and some people did not but worshipped within their spirit. But what the King willed to show me was not the look of what was taking place: That was deceptive, looking for outward appearance, gauging a person’s way of worship, for true worship is in spirit and truth.
How did Yahweh have the servant drink the true detail in this worship setting? He told me to look at the people. I looked in the spirit realm and saw a different view.
With all the praise and worship, with all the tears and raising hands, with all the clapping and singing, there was deep bondage in this church gathering. The worship had a coating to appear to move in power: people looked as if they were being touched. There is no ill way in saying this detail, for surely, the servant could not see in the spirit realm without the help of the Great Holy Spirit engaging this detail for a greater purpose.
I was able to see demons hovering over men. Women had chains. Addictions were moving on people, and worship was moving in complacency.
The service was a religious setting, having no fruit in a spiritual breaking of the darkness. A heavy burden was made evident. Demons moved through the church building with chains of great weight, holding the people in religious bondage. The chains were heavy. Human weight in church work would not be able to have this church set free.
But the Great Way did not leave it this way, praise Him! God came and told me to speak a very specific prayer into the atmosphere to break what the devil placed in their way. You have to know that prayers have major power when the person prays in agreement with the will in King Jesus. Words pushed by Yahweh have the power to destroy or build up.
With this prayer, the angels came and started to dissolve the chains that held the people in great bondage. I saw something amazing take place: The ceiling opened to allow a spiritual fire to flow in this place and brought a way to shift what was moving in the building in spiritual details. When I saw this, I was amazed at how much was taking place.
Yahweh told me the prayer spoken moved in the church building, giving the people the new way of worship. The breakthrough came when power from Heaven brought shifts into the church house. Demons were removed and were leaving in droves.
Power shall be seen in church buildings when Yahweh’s people move in dealing with spiritual details with true weapons, with clean hands, with pure ways with the Great Way King Jesus.
Here is a very important part to note in this detail: If most churches fear dealing with demons or the spirit realm, how can any plan be given to teaching these churches this way? People must have a way to see that the King’s Heaven is not seen by natural ways, with natural vision. That is truly why the Kingdom must be demonstrated with great power in the Great Way King Jesus. Listen to the prophets of the Lord and serve Him through obeying the Great Way in each detail.
Elizabeth City, North Carolina USA
I went to a church that was situated in the neighborhood nearby. The church was well manicured. Even the cemetery nearby did not seem to bother me. I wanted to learn of God’s will for that little church building. Would Yahweh come and bring a major plan that would help many? How can I explain what Yahweh showed me? Who would understand that spiritual details could affect your natural body?
This day, I saw much clearer. I did the expected: I sat, stood, and hoped with a deep yearning. Some would say I long for much more than what should be given. Some would say that I should be truly content just with what is “boring.” Who would label anything “boring” —especially when meeting with our Great King? I did not: I just wanted Him to show up. I hoped that God would plant a cross.
As the worship came, more was made clear. I was having a hard time breathing. I could not understand how no one else could feel this level of suffocation. It was as if gelatin—invisible yet still as potent—overtook my natural body and made it where I was having difficulty taking in natural air.
I felt the air leave the room, replaced with a torturous level of clogging. It was as if the room filled up with spiritual gelatin—a clogging gelatin—no place to have true freedom to raise hands, dance, and pray in the Spirit.
How I longed to just feel the presence and power of God. I’ve learned what that would feel like: It feels as if nothing would ever harm you. That love is so real, where it permeates and exposes. God’s love exposes all that we would ever be able to hide from others seeing it. God’s love is not judgmental, yet God’s love will force up all that has a nature that contradicts God’s Spirit. God’s love will expose, even when there are still painful memories that have not been dealt with.
God’s love—I could not feel it until a man came up to the pulpit to share a story of his outreach in another nation. I could tell that this minister was anointed to perform the given work of reaching the lost in that foreign land. Yahweh allowed me to sense His anointing and see the spiritual mantle upon the older man’s shoulders. Also, an interpreter came along with the minister and stood with him on stage. There was a large spiritual shield that covered the younger interpreter. I saw that they were equipped for work.
But this church way truly gave a plan that would give no room for spiritual breathing. Entering the building seemed warm and inviting, but as the Great Way removed the veil to allow me to see the spiritual atmosphere, it caused me to start to have a natural breathing problem, where it truly seemed as if the air was being removed. And with that suffering to breathe, I had to leave the sanctuary to get some natural air in their bathroom. I almost broke down in tears in the restroom, but my Great King will not have me show too much emotion to not affect others near me or cause attention to what is taking place with me.
I never long to enter that church building ever again. That was once done with me in private living details, where a demon came to my bedroom and caused me to be extremely weak. It was as if the demon was taking the literal air out of my body. Those who would say it’s truly harsh would need to imagine losing their oxygen and barely being able to breathe. Who would understand that the unseen moving would affect you? But it’s truly possible. What causes this level of suffocation that looks as if natural gelatin fills the very air in the room? What would cause it?
I will speak. It is a way that must be shown. How can there be any true will in drinking great presence, power, and glory while the natural way is also clogged with spiritual gelatin that hinders any moving in Me? How can any breakthrough take way? What can move and change how they run this full way? I am now giving you the answer.
I had you pray in the Holy Spirit—in unknown languages—to give a different shape in the building. As you prayed, the power in the words took shape and flowed into the room, giving a space in the gelatin to have a breathing airway. Your prayer, at My leading, broke through the spiritual moving to bring clear air, free to come and drink in Me. Words flowed out and opened a clear way to release and to receive.
What did you notice that was lacking? Prayer way. Prayer. Prayer. Prayer.
All was led by emotions, with great Scripture reference. No prayer opened the airway. No prayer prepared the place. No prayer welcomed Me. They did not welcome Me in any way, shape, or form. No prayer for any hurting. No prayer for a release. No prayer in the unknown tongues.
How can humans say they “church visit” for their way? The preacher said that they come and gather for their way. What about Me? Should the pastor make it seem as if there is only the people’s way? That democracy moves in church buildings. Religion movings—they take over and rule. How can any truly learn in church ways if they always think with natural planning and never involve Me?
I have seen enough of that church. If I truly were asked what should be moved on, I would say to remove all leadership and have a major surging in Spirit. What kind of burning up would be needed? A man or woman who loves Me more than giving his or her will. That is really important that the people humble themselves before Me and give their full hearts and follow Me.
This church would be removed, as a Seven Church mentioned in the Seven Churches in Revelation. Those that bring greater spiritual bondage have to be dealt with. You could have suffocated if I did not have you leave the room. Why is no one else taking on major painful dealings just as you? There are variations to their drinking way in this church building. I have to show that almost most of the church in attendance were babies, and others did a way to be curious. Their way of being inexperienced in spiritual discernment made it where they would think that this atmosphere is good and that being weak in spiritual nutrition is okay.
Who would have a way to look into the full way and make it truly clear that even church buildings can truly cause greater dying dealings? It is truly your responsibility to cause a major stirring to get the people to release the old way, to have Me give them a full new way. Come and bring this way to all church ways and into the world as a whole.
You truly are telling the truth.
Houston Vicinity - Texas
In a previous detail, I attended a church way that the Great Way had planned for me. The people were shouting and jumping. The preacher exhorted, but within a few days into the visit, the will was given to see deeper into their church way. I will never have any way to forget this detail due to how that church building was a tool to cause the activation to take shape in my spirit.
I heard the Great King say to look at how the church moves. I paraphrase those words to give an overview of the will. At first, it seemed to be one way, but with a vision that the Great King moved to gauge that will, there was a major change in seeing. I looked at what was moving in the building to see a spiritual fishing net over the people. The Great King made it clear that this is why they truly think there is a free-moving detail.
There is release into the heavens based on the holes being great in size, yet they were in a place of limited moving due to what a net is given for each purpose: to keep captive. How would a way to break free be given? Would this church way have a way to see their limited mobility in spiritual details? What would put a net over this church gathering? Captivity by speaking against others would do this major hindering detail.
I think of what Solomon wrote in God’s Scriptures as the human pen:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
—Proverbs 18:21 NASB
We must be careful how we speak of others, even if just in joking details. Words should never be used to be a way to display Satan’s nature. Laughing at another person’s faults can make us drink a deep regret, but what of other ministers who speak ill of another based solely on their human emotion? Who would be able to discern if that detail is human-based or from God’s treasure in giving, to move in a way to bring that person to drink in the Great King’s detail?
I have not been given a plan to speak a shift in that detail because the root is still growing. It needs to be dealt with, with power from the Throne Room.
In the spirit realm, I also saw that that preacher is truly called into the office way. His Angelic Guard stood on both sides of him while he preached his message. This made it clear to me that the Great King Jesus knows when we will truly move in our own way, yet He remains faithful; and with a calling to move in His office, there will be His backing unless you are moved from under His gift.
People must see that there is an order to details, and even when you work in a spiritual office in God’s plan, you must respect all who have been anointed for the work in Yahweh’s Kingdom. Point out sin as the Way gives you, but do not go on a human feeling to speak a zeal detail. That would be you moving in emotion with a motive not pleasing to His Majesty King Jesus.
Powerful is this detail. And with the Great Way’s leading, may He plan a way to get their attention so they will be able to drink freedom such as never given in their way with King Jesus. Until the next church detail, stay with King Jesus in all that you do, with humility, knowing that He could choose any to serve Him. Let Yahweh pick you, and in whatever detail He gives you, serve Him in a grateful, joyful way, in love.
February 26, 2022
How do you love others when there are faults that must be revealed? To be in Yahweh’s power plan is to act in ways pleasing to Yahweh that have My nature. The mocking without an accurate understanding of that person’s spiritual placement is a dangerous place to stand. What if what they have heard is of My way, but the wisdom that comes to understand it is withdrawn from the hearer? I will not allow a degrading action of mocking and name-calling as a standard of how My disciplining will go forward. When others are at fault, lovingly bring them under Kingdom order, which says there must be a time to deal with their sin, yet make sure they know that I will not carry a grudge.
I want a full reconciliation within My Body, not degrading, mocking, and name-calling. Tell that person they are wrong, but make sure they know that when they come under Kingdom order, what faults they once had will not come back and put them in spiritual bondage.
I am well pleased with you. You didn’t question Me when I sent you to a church building that posted times in a way to mislead. People were showing up for what the web page stated, yet the service didn’t take place till one man noted it to move—with those who were there to hear it given. Churches move in their plan without telling outside visitors of their moving for that particular day. If there were to be a service time shift, shouldn’t that will be placed in service details, in highlighted ways, to make sure others who would not go there regularly would know of this temporary shift detail? Maybe even placing up a sign at the information center would help those who were not given the updated details.
The purpose of this visit was to show you how important communication is with others who would normally not be their members, in attendance details. You were able to shift with this detail and were not offended at the lack of anything being made clear to you as a person visiting that detail. You will have to deal with a great deal in church politics. You will have to deal with a great deal in their culture that would have nothing to do with serving Me.
Churches place a great deal in people-pleasing, where they strive to make the people happy—with lists of events, door prizes, and gimmicks that are in a way to feed fleshly details. If the people would truly see it truly must be Spirit-led, they would remove a plan to people-please. Serving the people truly is better when King Jesus is placed first in all details.
There will be a major shift in church dynamics when people learn that you do not go to local church ways in a way to sit under a local church pastor. You are in the office as a moving in leading My Church worldwide. This will be your church building, where you will preach on these web pages, where I will also give you church details to speak in, where you will also go into the streets to give the people Living Water, which is King Jesus. Your church building is the Internet.
Many people look for ways to drink deeply in these teachings, and you will turn up the level in these details and move into world-shepherding this day. Your visits with church details, in the ways of previous movings, are now over. You will give the plan over the Internet and with other media ways to reach many millions who are thirsty for Me. Well done. Your testing, in reports—to learn the job detail—is now a completed detail. You are now solely held responsible for shepherding world-level details in the Way King Jesus.
I went to a church building this day due to the Great Way telling me to move in this plan to drink a major detail. There was familiarity with the detail, for it was not the first time in being in this church detail. It was not the same building as was mentioned in the first entry in the will to visit a church detail but was a needed plan to learn of this way in what the people moved to drink in that building.
It was a Sunday that rained heavily. In that plan, the church building had no power. People met in the lobby for church service, and many gathered. With the natural light coming into the building, there was a way to see everyone clearly in that light setting; there were no dark corners. There were people gathered of different races and different shapes and different names, and in the congregation, children of young ages raised their hands to worship God. Children raised their hands to worship God without fear that another would move in judging their worship.
Humans move in looking for others to come and approve them. What if the Great Way approves you? Would that be enough for you to move in “comforter” ways of feeling secure? Would you stay and move in being a part of those who would use their church building to be a security blanket? Would there be any anger if the people change the service procedure, to do different details you were not told ahead of time concerning?
There were many there who came in late. The lateness was only apparent due to the front church door opening that made most look away from worship details. If those who attended church buildings viewed being in service as critical as a job interview or meeting their favorite celebrity or going to a special event, there would be a moving to honor the God of the universe as more important than any detail.
Many would say it’s rude to be late, yet many came late to meet with King Jesus at their weekly gathering detail. Your Sunday meeting with the Great Way should not be the only meeting. But if so, shouldn’t a great value be placed on the opportunity to meet the Great King—by offering yourself in pure worship? Only King Jesus would know why you came in late, for you know if you truly care or if you make it a detail to do often, be late for most details.
But shouldn’t King Jesus be viewed higher than any human who would be privileged to get you to meet them with all respect for their time? Please truly drink it. The Great Way doesn’t need humans to make Him feel good about His way. God does not need humans to make Him feel worthy of His position as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His position guarantees that He will never move in anything worthy of being looked at in lesser detail.
Worship is also displayed when showing a pure heart in the way you move to engage. Songs can give a worship presentation to make it where you can get a closer moving with God. But your spirit must take on a further detail to submit to the Great Holy Spirit in all details.
Look to what the Spirit is saying in the Church way. Transparency is needed to have “heart” intimacy with the Great King. Use what’s in you in what is given in the Great Way to learn what shall truly please King Jesus. Is it the building, or are you the temple of the Great Spirit of the Living God? And if you truly are, when you meet with King Jesus, make sure you put your full will into giving Him great glory, honor, and praise, for God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The will is given for this church gathering. As the Great Way gives more details, a real breakthrough will give a new plan in the form of power moving in that church detail. Praise the Great King for showing His will to change church details to bring His people a way to be ready for the return of His Majesty King Jesus. Now, let’s praise Him!
Houston Vicinity - Texas
This church must develop a new plan, where they make it clear that it will truly be noted as a Bible study, not a worship service when you come to visit. Most would think it would be okay to announce it as anything except a small group meeting. Still, when you first come to any church building, it can be scary for the new person, especially when they are new in the faith and would be expected to add comments to make it look like they know something. That would be uncomfortable for most church-building attendees because most do not know where all Books in Scripture are located. There must be clarity and consistency when sharing any detail on websites.
When I came to this church building, there were no clear indications of where to go; so, I waited to follow people into the building. It was already confusing to think there was a regular service; not having a clear way into the building did not help. If a new person comes to your building, there should be greeters to welcome them into the church way. It shall have to be viewed as coming into your home: Would there be a person at your front door to greet the people who come into your housing detail? Yes, for you would make sure they truly feel welcomed.
This should be a given standard with your church. You should always have at least one greeter willing to walk a person into the main worship center. Or have an information center to assist those who are new to your gathering. Plan for new people to attend your church building. Welcome them into your level of gathering with a formal greeting.
Past this point: I was greeted fairly well. The people who attended this small group were moving in unity. I would not be comfortable staying in that setting due to only one plan: race. There were no minorities in that church gathering that day. You must truly see it: You will lose people when you cater the church outlets just as only one race. Heaven will not be just one race. There will be some who will think there is an issue with me, but with being biracial and married to a person of another race, I have a firm way to speak with real experience. My husband has been to other churches that only cater to his race, but he has also been in churches that would have a real mixture.
I will tell you this: Get other races into your church building. Get out of your comfort zone and look for those who will add diversity to the field way. There are many hurting people; it would seem odd that only one race is hurting. That can mean that you are selective of your members. Train others in the church building on how to fish for souls in the very field you have been given. Expand your borders. Look at the person needing help, but don’t exclude any race in church settings.
Now, with the study detail: The leader had a way to attain training that would make him have a good leading plan in the church way. He engaged the members well, but one thing was noted within the Great King’s will, making it clear: The power of discernment was not given in that church way, for the people gauged their interjection based on human feelings instead of spiritual wisdom. The Great King did not permit me to speak.
There were movings of major planning ways that the people could not have a way to see based on needing deeper seeing ways into the church study. You have to see that you could take ten minutes to explain a fifty-minute study when you move in drinking wisdom from the Great Way. God showed me His will in what would be needed to shift their training details, but I cannot speak it in this detail.
Many people work in church buildings as local pastors, yet they drink how the congregation will reply to a question to have the full study embraced. There is no need to come and control the people. Truly, let them speak, but also take them past the human responses and into the King’s food of deeper wisdom. Why leave a study with your own opinion stated? Does the Great King have anything to say?
Here is the final point to speak on: As the study was coming to an end, there were unseen details made aware in my spirit. I saw and heard a very great angel. I saw him with spiritual vision as he walked over from one corner to stand and wait behind me. His height was twelve feet tall, as told to me in my spirit. I heard him walk over, but I could not know the purpose of his being there with me. I heard him ask me why I was there. He said, “What are you doing here?” I did not respond.
As I continued to look, more details were revealed to me. The unseen changed in great movings, where you could see demons filling up the room. It was as if a veil was over my eyes, and then it was slowly being removed to show a dealing of unseen beings. There were many little demons around the others sitting in this circle gathering. Demons were sitting on their shoulders while some were walking in the room. Some people were burdened with oppression.
While this was taking way, the meeting room also grew spiritual vines that would hurt people. These vines would represent gossip against others, words spoken against people. The place was filled with demonic activity, but it would not be possible to know this based on seeing with your moving of natural vision. I only saw one main angel, and he came to speak with me.
There were other angels present with the grouping, but I was only given a way to see the level of spiritual warfare that they drink in that building, in that room. Who will tell these church buildings that there is truly a realm they cannot see? I will. I will go and share ways with the power of the Great Way.
May Your Kingdom power reach the deepest bound person in this church way, Father. Amen.
South Florida
It is so clear that you will not have a church outlet to call your own covering. What outlet can train you? What outlet can give you guidance as to how big the outlets have to be? You will no longer converse with others to gain seeing ways about Our—Yahweh’s—great work. It’s a great work. And I will cause you strain if I give you a deeper way of seeing how big it will be.
What about that church you saw online? What are your thoughts about that way? They like a vast info planning way, but where does it go past the teaching? Are you able to feel God when you view that detail? Is just giving out details a plan, or should there also be real demonstrations?
I noticed a lot of parenting with the group, but is it more than a parent-worker/child plan? Are those who gather able to take in spiritual traits that are displaying more than a list of things to learn? What was missing in that group? What was missing? Confidence in having a full aware way that you do not need to make everyone your friend. They need to learn to stand even when no one embraces their way.
They need to embrace their way—full strength—but not with a defensive plan. Instead of listing details, give options on how those ways will benefit their way in outside endeavors. There needs to be a way that the Word is given with an element in how to give Kingdom living into each person’s way. This is the main reason people flock to movies and read books: they seek a joining with them in how they too can attain real purpose.
It will be dead when there is still a way of pain and wounded dealings with a desperate need to give a “please listen” way without confidence in what is given. Seersgate is to share Kingdom ways with giving the people their way to deal with Kingdom living that will yield the power from Yahweh to build up Yahweh’s great will.
If you were asked, “What would Yahweh say to us?” It’s clear: preach the Word while giving ways to have the listener implement it. If they learn the outlets to give out what they hear, then they will look at what they learn as more than just someone telling them what sounds better.
Spring, Texas
I went to the first church service. You have to truly know that I expected to be the only non-white person in the whole sanctuary due to the specific church denomination. There were a few other races, which was a fearful thing due to going on this church visit with no other human. I am of mixed race, and I love seeing multiple races gather for meetings with Yahweh.
How can any know what to expect when they visit any detail? Yet the servant will go each week in God’s plan, to see a rounded view of the church way, to give the Great King His major report.
What could be given for me in doing these details? Would God send His servant to multiple church buildings so He would be able to give a needed shift in the will in these church buildings? How can I drink this major detail? It’s purely with the Great Holy Spirit that I can truly move in this delegated way.
I was told by the Great Way to stay in my vehicle, to be late to the church service on purpose. It was a way to see if any would treat me poorly due to gauging me based on my will to enter late in that church way.
The music was a familiar way, yet there wasn’t a way for me to connect. The men who watched the people enter were friendly in that plan of moving to be late on purpose. I went to where the Great King told me to sit near an exit side door. People worshipped in a dark setting—to give a private way to seek King Jesus.
Music is key to welcoming King Jesus, and with their music, no connection was made in my spirit that made it so a deep level would be tasted in the glory way. I wanted the glory of the Great King, not just songs, to get the people in a way to enjoy.
I asked the Great Way to show me His major will in that church gathering. Here is what He showed me:
Servant, let Me speak the major way you were seeing in My view. This church building is ready to drink deeper in the Spirit way in Me. But there must be a new view, where the leadership switches to where the head leader is the pastor’s wife. How could that be truly so? Most churches would make a way to have the head leader always be the man in the family way, but what if the will in calling was given to the woman, not the man?
How could churches skip seeking My plan in how they gather? Should offices be given only to men while their wives look on in a support-only positioning way to bring any structure?
But you saw it, where you were able to see a platform filled with unseen beings behind the male. But not an office way, with a guard, was given. Then I had you look towards the woman seated as her husband stood. You saw these huge angels gathered with her—in their way to protect her.
Look at this detail: What if a cape that’s heavy is placed over one who is entitled? Would another take over just based on the gender in the relationship? Or could there be a plan where one spouse is drinking the anointing in the other so it would appear to every in that plan that the leader with no office-enabling way would be fit to lead in that moving?
There was a great deal into the service before I made Myself tangible to you. It was only so when the junior pastor welcomed Me into the service details: He told the people to look to getting help from the Holy Spirit. It is very important for church ways to address Me in each service way.
Never should it be assumed that I would move in their way based on a previous experience. I cannot be bribed. I will not have a human rule over Me in any detail.
What you were given this day can be shifted into their way in full detail. But would the will way be given to change the leadership way, to give the woman the way to walk in her office in the fullest way? Here is where churches will move against you. It would be given for you to drink deep rejection, but still, you are in a plan to show them the way that will bring major shifts into the way they move to do the Great King’s will.
February 26, 2022
Let’s continue this conversation that took place years ago. I gave Paul a plan that did not have women pastors or bishops, but I did not give Paul a plan that said that women should not lead at all. When I gave Paul a mandate to build up churches, I knew that he would have certain Pharisee governing plans that wouldn’t be erased with the church building-up power way. Paul offered his opinion in many opportunities, and his free will was not taken away when he gave letters.
What should be done with a female who has a real office gift? Should there be a hindering way based on what I gave Paul? I call all in these last days. Even that lady elder who governed her house and led a church outlet within, as noted in Scripture, was not called a heretic in Scripture. Why would one Early Church leader say it was okay to have a lady lead, but Paul would have My approval to say the man is to have the pastor role? The dogmatic way of the one who gives out My power way will also have a bearing.
I gave Eve governing plans. I allowed other women to govern over the natural nation of Israel. Doesn’t there appear to be a plan to give Paul what plan he would be able to move forward with? I must stand by what My Word states even when I am giving a plan that would keep a Pharisee moving forward.
This woman with the office traits is still under My power. And I would not ban her from moving forward. What I do is what I did with your way: give her a governing way as a judge in My Body, bringing forward My Kingdom order under My house, outside of a dispensation, to have her walk forward in her full purpose. Why? The Church era is ending, and Yahweh will start pushing forward a preparation for the return of Christ.
Humble, Texas
Today, I went to a church service. It was not very different than the typical American style way, where you have worship songs, then the speaker, then the prayer plan. But it will be noted that the servant hoped for God to be invited to come and gather with us.
This report may seem harsh, but there will be no sugarcoating of any plan that the King will take me.
I barely made it on time; I didn’t plan a traffic problem early in the day. The Great Way told me He expected me to be there—late if I had no choice in that detail. It was a few minutes before the service was to begin. I took my seat in the rear to get a full view of all in the setting. Red lipstick will be my signature way for others to note a different female than most would want to be assumed as.
Harlots wear red lipstick. A promiscuous woman wears red lipstick. A church girl wears red lipstick. And so, Seersgate will wear red lipstick. It’s a way to note you can be grouped based on clothing or lipstick in a church way. Even I would be a plan to be projected as so based on church politics.
I came hoping to meet with King Jesus, yet there was no presence there, where He was revealed in a real way. People were uncomfortable in worship, with a dim room still. Distraction took over others when a new person walked in the door. The music had a way to be excellent in quality, yet it did not open up the heavens to meet King Jesus.
The way in worship was more focused on getting the people to sing and raise their hands, yet King Jesus wasn’t on the top list to be welcomed. The Great Holy Spirit was never welcomed directly by the worship leader.
People will feel they “worship” with a certain song or if tears fall. But what truly is worship? Worship is God’s will, having a ruling plan within you, where all you truly long to do is please Him in all He gives you each day. It would be hard to worship if time is not spent with Yahweh each day. There has to be more than gathering each Sunday.
Truly, church buildings will help keep many in a plan of good instruction, but most truly do not know how to engage. Lack of engagement is a major defect. How many churches will admit they truly do not know how to welcome the Great Holy Spirit and keep Him?
February 26, 2022
Welcome Me before welcoming the commoners. I want the focus drawn towards Me, your God Yahweh. People give a great deal of attention to who is there. Not worshipping Me has hindered many. To worship in spirit and in truth is to give Me allegiance, to put Me first. To welcome Me in each service brings Me a way to know that you agree with who I am, the One True God, and that you choose to go into My meeting place.
Conroe, Texas
The meeting was just like any typical church service, but a new way was seen in the presentation. The pastor spoke in stories, where he would use stories to explain spiritual details. But with that detail—which is truly just as King Jesus did—there was no warm welcome given to the Great Holy Spirit.
Let me fully explain: With the worship in that plan, they sang songs that said a word or two directly to the Great Holy Spirit, yet when I sang those words, I heard the Spirit say that He truly is not welcomed there. With hearing Him say that, I didn’t know how to proceed. I couldn’t grasp it. Then I was reminded that God truly looks at a person’s heart. God was looking at the hearts of the people gathered.
Works, even in worship, would not move God. The music was professional. The worship singers sang well, yet Yahweh was still only looking at the person’s heart.
How do we worship? How do we focus on God, worshiping Him in spirit and in truth? What makes the difference? Taking down our emotional and spiritual walls will truly change our worship and corporate gatherings. I watched others worship, only to see bricks around some. These are spiritual bricks referred to here.
It’s all spiritual—what God truly looks at—yet we may give into God’s Kingdom to show our spiritual connection and covenant with God.
Seek to worship God with complete transparency. Don’t keep any hidden sins. Don’t keep secrets. Trust Yahweh to stay with you even when you don’t have qualities that show good faith. Faith, hope, and love. Out of these three, the greatest is still love. But whose love? God’s.
February 26, 2022
Why won’t the people come and worship Me in true transparent ways? There is a fear that they will not be loved for who they are. But will My love hide sin and make you acceptable in My presence? No, love cannot hide or remove sin. Only the blood of King Jesus permanently takes away any sinful plan.
Truly loving someone is to let them know that sin keeps them at a distance from Yahweh. Unconditional love stems from King Jesus. After entering Yahweh’s Kingdom, the love from King Jesus starts to permeate within a Kingdom citizen. Once you let Yahweh’s love lead in your way, you can give it out for healing to the person in need.
Letting people wallow in their sinful nature does not reflect real love because people choose to sin based on having free will. But when you really care about a person’s eternal way, you will present My covenant through daily actions and sharing messages of the Way.
Let the people choose sin, but don’t pretend to know Me if you are afraid. Afraid of what? Them hating you for you standing in Kingdom order.
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
You offended her. You made it truly seem as if they did not grow a spiritual way. Tell Me, did you truly see the sparseness of their gathering? Did you note that it was dead? Write it. Truly, you tried to be in My presence, but the worship way was moving in dead ways. The songs were sung, and the people raised their hands, and the person prayed and welcomed Me, but I could not have a way to penetrate them.
What spirit is leading in the church way that is being mentioned? What of the religious spirit? Most with this spirit would tell others not to be religious. They would make you think that if you had a way to say a weakness, then you would be truly free of being influenced by that demon. But note the Scriptures. It was the religious people who were giving those being led their own way to be presented as holy. Having to say what’s bothering you will not make you holy, nor will listing all of your ways make you more healed.
There is a major infiltration in these local church ways. The leading way would come and say to “follow my lead and to stop being religion-based.” But truly, King Jesus didn’t have to boast about His many dealings with the Great Way, nor did King Jesus lay down certain rituals that would place a person in line with the plan.
King Jesus gave a Kingdom moving. King Jesus gave the Kingdom. King Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom. What do you think the religious neighbors do? The plan that they move in would be to tell you to get the way that they move as and stop being religious. The religious spirit is heavy in church dealings—from the way you look to the way you stand or sit or pray or sing. Religion is truly a plan in place by men. What will shake off those dealings to let a true worship have a leading way? Love.
Houston, Texas
After the detail, I truly wanted to know what the Great King would say concerning how the people left the church service even before the pastor closed out the detail. You have to know it truly was a major lack of respect to the church way to leave before the service is over. We're not talking about one or two needing to leave for work.
It was a Saturday night service, and large crowds were leaving to beat others out of the parking area. This church that I went to is a huge gathering, and it would seem to be a benefit to leave a few minutes early. But if they truly knew who they came to meet with, there would have been a second look to show respect to the Great Way King Jesus.
If you were meeting your employer and they were speaking in a meeting that you had to attend, you would sit there and be respectful of their way. If you were meeting your favorite Hollywood movie star or actor or politician, there would be no way any could make you leave their presence.
Yet with God Almighty, you show the greatest dishonor by leaving Him in the service, hoping to get outside before others. How selfish is that plan? Truly, you should not expect Yahweh to be pleased with your lack of honor. His presence is the greatest presence we should long for, yet you would place personal details and selfish ways before Him.
Some come in late to service for valid reasons, and others truly have to leave for good reasons. Some have to pay bills by working, and they came in to spend a moment with God even though they had a work detail to do. They show their love for Him by saying within, “I know that I will have to go to work, but truly, I just want to be with You, even if just a few minutes.”
That is truly different than being this way: “I have to beat this crowd out of the parking lot. It is just too many people, and I don't want to wait too long; so, we will leave the service early.” Others would say, “A game/TV show is coming on, and I don't want to miss it. Let's leave early.”
There is truly a way that the King views how you come and meet with Him. But truly, you need to look at how you honor Him with your actions. Coming to a church service may ease your guilt for what you did the other day, but don't expect Yahweh to be pleased when you show Him a lack of respect.
This church has a great sound system. They have professional worship leaders, and the worship service has a clear music sound, yet the whole way sitting in that service, it was indeed just hype. I witnessed how the leader would come and humble himself and be a minister on the prayer team. How many will do that detail? This minister, who has a leading way, leads with his redemptive gift; that draws the people. With a leading with his gift, there is no moving in the anointing.
There was a guest speaker who also ministered with the leading pastor. This minister was truly in a way to drink deeply in power, to speak words that would help any in need of a fill in the Great King. Truly see, there must be a shift in worship, where the music team brings true worship to the Great King. Hype is a natural plan that will cause the people to think there is movement in spiritual ways. But with the hype, there was no moving in the power of the Great King.
I left the service still hungry to meet with Yahweh. I must note that my level of hunger is deep, based on how I engage King Jesus daily to get His fill, but there should be a release in these church ways to have a filling in God's presence that is truly tangible.
It is now time for the Church to seek God’s will and truly repent for lack of dishonor to His great presence; then, there will be a way made for a deep shifting in that church way.
MARCH 23, 2021
I want to say something. Let Me say that now, with Satan's virus plan, I have not hindered My people from coming and having private sittings with My heart. I am not stuck to one particular church gathering. I am not limited to operating in certain city limits. I AM.
But who would see My plan to bring My Body—My real Church—back, under one humble way? The ways of tradition and manmade outlets have warped how My way of church outlets are to come forward. I am sending you around the world into various regions to gain a more well-rounded view of My Church Body.
Are you tired of how there is no power coming from the Church? How about the way is made clear? For the plan of the Age of the Antichrist must come forward. Or are those in the church gatherings thinking that I will let My Bride suffer at the hands of Satan's student and his right-hand demon Pure Evil?
Now, I will deal with this church outlet. I have a message that will take over how church is done. Get ready. I am the One who looks at the person's heart. Always wait upon Yahweh, and I will help you to endure all who label you as a false prophet, cult leader, heretic, and jezebel, among other titles. But I will back My plan.
Watch and stand with Yahweh.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
You went into a church gathering on a Sunday and would see a vision of what a dead church looks like. In the spirit realm, it appears in mud form. The way of suffocating comes into natural worship through a spiritual hindrance resembling dirt, filled with cement-type consistency when still wet.
Please see it clearly: It’s a building filled to the ceiling with a spiritual substance that resembles a ground where a dead person is laid in the death phase in the local cemetery. They spoke with it, covering their whole bodies. They sang songs and waded in the mud. The people gave their offerings in dirt—spiritual dirt.
The altar had dirty-ingrained outlets that had no purified way to engage Yahweh.
There was suffocation to the place of spiritual death. The way of worship was cold, and there were no deliverance plans given for any person to drink within. The people are drinking mud. They eat their fill of dirt. The leaders are on their religion and have a building filled with their offerings of dirt. They think there is a power joining with Me, but no outlet of pure worship reaches My ears from the man who stays up there and gives a brief note. The way the kid gives worship is filled with power. I have given power to the youth.
Let’s see how long that church way will drink the power in the calling of local ministers.
Will they ever see? Having titles will not guarantee purpose, provision, a true power out in Yahweh’s plan of true work. I see that a man there has certain gifts that the people drink. I see that there is a lack of growth there. Could it be that a true washing must come forward? Could it be that literal angels would have to come and power wash the church building?
But what would cause spiritual death? A fake doctrine has leading plans in that building, and it brings death to My purpose, there, in that gathering. To hear the preacher, We had you pray certain words to bring a cleaning into the atmosphere so that the word spoken would travel out of the minister to the gathered there.
And I will bring even deeper seeing in church visits, to bring forth a deep seer gift within.
Humble, Texas
Servant, this church presents itself very well. They leave no stone unturned, but let’s look even deeper into the full way. Let’s look past the exterior. See what I see in this church building. I will show you deep details. I will show you what is really going on.
Taste it and look deeper. Taste it. Music is a great tool. Music is a great way to welcome Me. The flags show their mission; they think greater than their little building.
The world is waiting. The world is looking. The world is seeking a new way. It is that time for a shift in the atmosphere. It is that time for Me to break chains of darkness. It is time for a new way. It is that time for something new. It is that time, servant. Speak My will in all details. It is well-done in outward details. Let’s look deep into spiritual details. Let’s look.
Houston Vicinity - Texas
Listen. What do you hear? Longing, wanting to go to a higher realm in Me. What is lacking? I will show you. I will show you, servant. Just look. Just look. Apathy: a lot of quoting the Word, a lot of striving by a few, those who long for more. I will bring a shift in the earth way to bring a new way into this church detail. You will lead a great deal in church gatherings to move past tradition, for there is so much more. There is so much more than just showing up: One must want to meet with Me. One must meet with Me throughout the week, not just at a Sunday gathering.
People want power. People want a new way in Kingdom power, yet most would choose to just move on the shoulders or coattails of others. There must be true sacrifice. There must be something that is given within where you would fully yield to My will and embrace My will. There must be relationship. There must be a shift, a change. There must be more than looks. There must be more, servant.
Don't go by works. Do not go by shouting in the flesh. See, I do not look at that. I look at a person's heart, yet many think I will embrace their way in their church details. Your way must truly yield to all that the Great King would reveal. People honor Me with their lips, but their spirit is dying, or some are still without Me.
There must be a shift. There must be a true awakening. There must be a turning in the spirit way, where all will truly drink from My Great Spirit.
What has your spirit noticed in this church detail? This way is a new building that you have been given to review in this way. See it. See it and look at what must take way. I will show you a spiritual deficiency. There are so many who would do their own way, but look and see: In Kingdom living, the Great King must truly lead in each detail—not flesh, and not your knowledge of Scripture; for you must yield in your spirit to the Great Holy Spirit and do whatever plan is given through the Great I AM.
Walk in the Spirit, not in works, nor in your level of quoting Scripture. Amen. Amen and Amen.
Slime: I never knew there would be that detail in a spiritual way with any plan. There would seem to be normal activity, yet the Great King made it so the servant was able to truly see His will. What does slime do in presentation details? Let's say you were a slimed person: you would stick to the surface as with gum, but the detail would be all over you in a way to fully be a suffocating detail.
With gum stuck to your shoes, it would hinder but not keep you in one place. But imagine a great level of a gummy substance all over you in covering the whole spirit: There would be a deep plan of sitting in your gum while even in the most Spirit-filled place. This way will show you that even in a great service filled with the Great Way's presence, there may be a great longing in that person, yet they may be moving under spiritual substances of a slimy nature.
This would show you there may need to be an act that is more than shouting in a fleshly way to gain glory details with Yahweh.
People would think that there may not be any substance in the spirit realm such as this, but one must truly see that there are major details we may not have a will to embrace, yet it doesn't mean it is not true. There will be great details learned in training with Yahweh in this new work way. Look for the King to move in giving deeper ways to deal with church and worldly movings, in a way to bring a deep shift to change circumstances, to move in power ways with King Jesus.
Houston Vicinity - Texas
It is now changing in the church building even as the minister preaches his message on taking on My yoke. He will truly see a shift in the church detail due to what has been released into this church building. It is not just the building that was shifted in this church visit, for the people moved with great levels of slime on their spirit way that made it where they were displaying deep apathy and laziness in worship details.
But now, there is a major drinking that is pushing. Look and see, for surely there needs to be a release in this building, from another source, to replace what was burned off the people. Here is what they truly need: a washing in My great fire. Here is the power that will need to keep them in this new way. Here is the prayer to speak into the earth over this detail here. Servant, just read this in the plan to move this will into power ways, where they will truly drink it.
Prayer to replace slime with God’s fire:
Now I speak a release of pure detail in the Great Way’s fire to cleanse the way here in this church gathering. I speak an embrace of the will of the Great King in this church outlet. Have Your way, Great King. Have Your way in this church building. Let Your fire come and bring a major shift in this church gathering, where Your fire burns and waters and rejuvenates. Let there be a deep drinking in the spirit realm to give the people here their needed dose of Your Spirit, where there will be true growth. Let there be a deep hunger for Your Spirit. Let there be a deep longing to seek You. Great King, let fire flow in this building. Let Your power bring potent shifts of glory to deliver a strong foundation that this church will be able to drink deeply. Let Your pure way lead. Great King, Your Kingdom shall be moved into deep drinking. Let it be so, Great King. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
What happens when you do works in your own human strength? How far will you truly go?
If I had you move forward in building anything and not give you the pushing needed, you would be as this group, who use exhorters to influence to push their agenda. But what if there was true submission? What if you just waited for My surging? You have waited, but now you no longer have to. You no longer have to wait because the time is now given, servant.
You cannot force Me to move and do anything. You cannot, servant. You must wait for My leading. I promise you, servant, so much will turn on the eleventh. So much will change. So much will be so different. So much. And this is why We had you wait, servant. You had to wait on Me for those four years. But now, servant, now a shifting will be moved on. There will be such a great push.
I don’t want you ever to follow the crowd, even when everyone else is pushing you to do things. Servant, always wait for Me. Always wait for Me in every ministry detail. Always wait on Me. Do not pretend you hear anything from Me unless I am really speaking. Always wait for Me. Only speak My will.
Never, servant, never take any credit for what I am doing. Trust Me fully. Trust Me in every detail. Stand alone and be willing to wait even when moments go by and everyone wonders if you truly are hearing My will. Now, servant, I will no longer be silent. I will no longer stand by and watch as others speak against you, for I will back you up. I will stand with you. I will defend you. I will be with you. I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you. Servant, I will now push you. They will all now see. They will all see.
I saw a group stand and put on a show, yet they did not know how to reach Me in their worship. I truly wanted to give them a way to break through this harsh ceiling of bitter slavery mentality, but when will it take way? When will the Black race forgive what the White race did to their ancestors so long ago? When will it take place? When they truly start to see that there is a way to bring a different form of worship when there is no way in bitterness that is within.
“I am always striving to get better” is what I hear from a great deal of people in poverty.
You were given a glimpse of a few months to know how it is to rely on others for help in getting taken care of. Now, have a new look at what it would mean to take care of your own way, with plenty left over. No poor mentality is within you, and that frustrates many that you know of. You are no poor person. It will truly be coming to the surface, where you truly are very rich in Me.
Humility is the first nature of I AM that We will speak with you concerning. That will be major—that way to reflect various natures within your God I AM.
As for the church visited: Their way is truly moving, but the level of growth is very slow. And that is truly because the people are not a hungry group. They are complacent. And they would hope that singing with great singers will be enough to get a major following. If they would look again, they would truly see; all that I would have a need for is one willing person who walks with any but has a way to always place Me first in all forms.
I just need one human vessel, and that will be enough to walk a major way into the full earth way. Be willing to risk all for Me. Be willing to lose all of your friends. Be willing to have no more children. Be willing to be alone.
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
I went to a church way that the servant once attended. It was truly a new will given for me to have a viewing of. There have been a few church visits in Texas, yet this is the first church visit under this new level of training. It will all be made clear as each detail is presented.
There have been no details shared with me concerning this church way that would give me insight before I had the Great King’s will placed within me; for it will look as if there was sharing before, but it will not be in that way. This would confuse any if they were not drinking in the Great Way’s will. What will be shared will truly give a full way being moved on in the power ways in the Great Planner King Jesus.
The church service had the same “feel” as when I once attended so long ago, in natural details. The same “feel” would have a way to seem as if there truly was no growth spiritually, yet that would be my human fleshly way if that was stated. God had a purpose for sending me to a church building in a local state that was not part of the original power training. And that purpose was to show me within that I am truly hearing the way that He is giving.
I was in a humble way—not moving to gain attention. At my leading, there would have been no one who would be introduced to me—not because of demons but because I never want to be noticed when moving in church visits.
I was in a way to see a new detail never seen in these details. I was shown a column right near the window, up where the stage was. This fire did not burn with consuming other areas: This column was made up of the material that was fire itself. I pondered what that would mean. I could see the various shades of orange that filled up with a way to be as purifying. The column did not leave with the ending of the service.
It truly was a “tester.” The fire moved a shifting way into unseen realms. This way would mean that the power, presence, and glory are able to be transferred into natural dealing ways. I looked at this column of fire that gave a human a way to pass from natural dealings and straight into the power way in another moving known as glory. If the people would just look at what glory truly is, there would be a new way to approach God’s Throne Room.
I am fully being a humble way to say there is still much to learn in doing these church visits. At the same time, there would be a great breakthrough when the people put the Great King’s plan into proving ways. There, in this small church, the Great Way was setting the stage for a major visitation. Will the church way be ready?
SEPTEMBER 14, 2021
No, they are not ready. I gave them a great amount of time to embrace My world-level prophet, but they spewed out the message and rejected the church report. Their fate is sealed. Yahweh will not overlook how they treated you. They didn’t reach out to you to gain a deep way. They said you are moving off course into demon-based details.
This day, I cut them off, and they will never have a crumb from the Seersgate table of spiritual eating and drinking. They should have sought you for a clear way and not write you off as a false Christian. It’s too late.
Norfolk, Virginia
I was invited to go to a local church way for a ceremony. And I truly pondered that plan. There was a stale way where the worship didn’t go past the ceiling. Please know that my heart does care concerning all in that church way.
It was a boring way. I had to focus hard, to keep connected to what was given. I stood. I sat. I prayed. I listened, yet I could not get a will in being in a deep communion with Yahweh. Here is where a person may say that it would be your own job to get your way excited.
Should I fake it? Should I say the “amens” to get people moving in thinking they are in a pleasing way there, in their presentation? Should I put on the “shouting” music so I could work my flesh up and get “in the spirit,” as would be said? Should I join in the moving of a ritual and do it every weekend? What does it truly profit any who would go out and drink the same old wine yet hope to have major outreaches and fire-filled revivals?
So, people are in churches just to look as if they are good, yet really still struggle to want that way every week.
Tell me, what would it take to have that church shifted, where they would have a deep power-drinking plan? You have to see that they hope to reach many, yet the power to cause a plan in revival is lacking. Standing, clapping, and praying will take on a new plan where a worship plan is demonstrated.
There can be church ways, but there must be power from God I AM backing up the full work. There would be a purpose that would take over—not with zeal or tradition, but with Kingdom wisdom and power; God will have a way to funnel His will in a structure deep within.
The Kingdom awaits a true shift in the people where they walk in surrender to what the Great Way will bring you. Power is not just what the media presents. It will have to be viewed as God’s hand pushing His full will forward and affecting all who are connected. Power is: showing up when that church way or ministry or person or business is ready to handle that authority. Power will lead it—the ingredients needed to complete the work.
Kingdom purpose and power walk together and will take away striving. Kingdom planning will not be to just build, but there will also be a true calling.
I stayed to the end, never tasting power. I heard Yahweh speak to say that I see the way they drink in His will. That’s paraphrased, for I cannot give certain details to hurt or cause pain in underlying ways just to say it. If God would move and give power to all of His church gatherings without having a protocol in place, I fear that the people will try to build their own tower of babel, to try and reach God in contrary ways to what the Great Father would want.
I have witnessed a great thing: ministering servants walking into the ministry. Will someone tell them that the will to take should always have the Great Planner leading?
The Great Way King Jesus must lead. Come and drink a deep way. Power cannot have a leading way if the work is not ready for expansion. And without backing from Yahweh, striving leads in those few workers. God must lead in each detail. Church growth is pointless if God is not giving purpose.
I saw it this day—boredom—just coming to sit in a ritual detail. Who wants more of God? Say so. How? Get out of your ritual and start seeking God’s Kingdom first. Where? Wherever you are. Your relationship with God is not on Sunday. It should be into eternity, where you are learning to talk to Him, saying what you truly mean. Talk to Him. Learn from Him. Spend time with Him.
God has a purpose for each person. Does it mean that your purpose will only be in attendance at that local building? Or could it mean that the unseen Kingdom of Yahweh is everywhere, and with the Kingdom being everywhere, you would move in being a Kingdom citizen everywhere you go? Yes. Go and take up a plan to come and gather. Yes, come and learn the Word so you can grow up in the faith.
But do not ever be fooled into thinking that your full joy is in that building; for now, you would be missing the point.
Power, presence, and glory—they will not have a plan to be built. Purpose—your purpose will stem from God’s hand. And God will have helpers who will walk with you on this journey. All should be in connection with God. Don’t have a way to think there will be purpose based on where you go weekend after weekend without power from God.
Power, presence, and glory—get them, but first, let Yahweh have you.
Go to your church but stay to meet Him. Yahweh is well pleased with what I just spoke on this detail. May you truly drink Him. May the people look to the Great Way for full provision in being a filled way. Church visits will continue. I will bring you God’s way in sharing in each detail.
Take care and stay close to the Great Way King Jesus.
Houston, Texas
Transition Period
June 23, 2019
12:19 p.m.
Your way is truly ready for the full calling to be revealed into the whole world. Calling—it is not the only needed ingredient to steer the world. The perfect calling can never have leading ways over submitting to Kingdom order. The world-level prophet must yield to every form of order and never give a plan that ignores a local house, whether a way of church dealing or a home detail.
Your husband chooses this way in Katy/Houston in the state of Texas. And under the way of household plans, his will, will give a leading plan.
But what if your work grows in great power and you can afford a detail that would cater to all that Yahweh gives? What if the Great Way grants a way to take on materialization and the beginnings of street ministry here in the Houston region? Would that make you feel deep contentment, or is there something missing with living here in this old territory that leads in your husband, based on having his way of first family dealings here? Isn’t that how you were with living in the Hampton Roads way in Virginia?
The longing to be with an old way of a family way should never take precedence over following a Great King’s order.
What training order were you given in the removal placement? What did My Death Angel say? You were to take on street ministry for a three-year way in South Florida. And you were under an order from Yahweh. Now, what is a clear way? If you were not under a removal and were actually released, there would have been a full stripping of the great surging of the blue powerful stream from your spirit, and a ten-year removal from the work would have been mandatory.
No one understands your training. They cannot fathom the thought of talking with Yahweh as if Yahweh can talk back. Why pray if there is only a plan to talk to yourself with the hope that you feel better? But knowing that there is a real God who hears and will bring a Kingdom will forward—it should give great peace with the people.
Yahweh can never lie. At the same breath, We must make it clear that many view a will from God as a false plan when He changes the plan and gives a new plan. Weren’t those who were delivered out of Egypt told by Yahweh that they would end up in the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey? Yet, the Scriptures say that the ones who rebelled in that gathering were cursed with a death sentence and were killed in the wilderness. What happened? They feared what would greet them in the Promised Land and were not willing to go forward and possess it.
To possess the land would require battles and the uncertain ways of provision, protection, and power.
While they were in Egypt, the children of Jacob/Israel looked to the pharaoh to feed them, clothe them and give them a place to live. When they left Egypt, they had not witnessed a freedom that moved in trusting. Within their hearts, they preferred to return to the home that they were familiar with in hopes to feel provision, protection, and power through seen methods.
Do you see how both you and your husband went back to old emotional ways in a failed attempt to gain what was a false hope of provision, protection, and power? Both returned to childhood ways of living, in failed attempts to gain lost relationships and bring feelings of safe living. We returned to Houston so that I could take you out of the removal way for abandoning your post. But that’s it.
But here, I share with the world that you are now here just to begin saving so that you can go and take on the world-level work under the house of Yahweh.
Where? Where should this way begin? Where did I state with many visions and dreams? Where would complete the activation? I first gave your spirit a first plan under shifting in Fort Lauderdale. I made a declaration to your way through a local preacher who noticed a strong calling upon your way. I did not show him the fullness in the purpose due to him not being able to believe it. He would have thought he was hearing Satan if We told him what you have within, in King Jesus. It is such a great purpose that you have a hard time truly embracing it. And We gave you so many treats that you expect to see spiritual dealings as if as second nature.
Yahweh. Yahweh. Yahweh. He knows the full future. Yahweh gives His income to bring His work forward. It’s not a household relocation. It’s a plan to build Kingdom culture with the people. We give that order now—out of the removal phase.
We command your way to be there in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, within a three-year time frame from Halloween this year. I’m not saying that We will keep you there till death. But what I am truly saying is that there is no other way open, and if you stay here in a transition and refuse to be birthed forward, I will give you a ten-year punishment and have you wander the earth under Satan’s form of torment.
No one needs to come. No one is to be dragged there against their will. Bring in wealth and prepare to relocate with a way that can handle spiritual warfare in great levels within humans and through materialized spirit beings. What sign should I give? What proof is given to make people do this work with you? I will speak on My behalf.
There is great freedom in following Yahweh. There is great reward in walking by faith. Haven’t you excelled in that way? Haven’t you lived for Yahweh and gave Me your whole way? What other test should I give? There is nothing left to say. I can trust you. Trust you with what? Resurrection power.
Going to that church building this day—it was a very boring experience. That’s what you would truly say if I gave you the will to say your true way. Tell Me, why was it so boring? You felt as if you were held by an invisible force, holding you under tradition. This was so boring to your way that you continually hoped that I would let us leave early—you and Me—in this story. There was no power surging in the service. There was not even a current fresh word to feed the people with. The stale bread was fed just so something was given.
What is missing in that church? The presence of God. They did their singing and prayer. They played their video recording and hoped that the way of church would be maintained. They bartered with the people and gave a club t-shirt to build their faith and enter baptism. I noticed how the certain ones came up to get t-shirts and say they long for Yahweh.
They worship in striving, powerless ways. No surging from the great heavenly throne. What else did you notice? They feed the people baby food. And they give them bread. They are not mature. They come just to walk in a form of godliness.
Is this report concerning each individual gathered under that house? No. But the whole house is judged as one unit just as Egypt, just as Israel, just as your own way under his way in house details. See it; I judge the house as a whole. And I will judge My whole church and will clean and uproot and rebuild with My powerful hand.
I will not fail to bring My great will forward. No one can halt a world-level shift. And if a world-level servant moves in rebellion, only full stripping and removal under heavy punishment can be granted.
You are not to rely on others as a form of proof that I am speaking. Regardless, if anyone listens or believes in your work, you must stay and yield under Kingdom order. No earth-based plan can have leading ways over My great purpose. Follow Yahweh. Follow My will. And I grant the wealth to build up a plan and go. No other way to have leading ways. No other way of governing can have your heart. Follow Yahweh. When in Florida, I will start presenting My servant. But for right now, while in the transition, build up the Rain Work and give them all I say into your spirit for the work power plan.
And I will never let you falter. Show Me by saving up for relocation. Get a bachelor’s in Theology. Only one year remaining. Finish learning French. Then learn the Spanish language. Learn how to paint and draw well. Learn how to swim. We must travel often. Change citizenship.
Next year is the deadline to have those details done—by the end of the Jewish year would have an appealing way.
I know that work will take a lot of natural time, but I just need you to get the way there. See; no building-up here: just presenting Kingdom order. And now, you have given your first church report under your conditional release in this transition period. Now, give them Yahweh’s way. I love My servant. Do not give up. I am with your way.
June 25, 2019
8:22 a.m.
See what happens when others are afraid of a confident woman who no longer begs for scraps from the table of provision, protection, and power from old dealings. Can you now look and see how your Great God has kept you back so others can be brought into the real way? Take a look at what Yahweh has given concerning moving into the powerful season under the training phase of South Florida.
Drink in what needed to take way. Remember how Moses gave the Israel nation My will to move forward, and out of a fearful way, they chose not to do My great will? That brought a death sentence. Did they have a will to enter the Promised Land? That will was shifted to the new generation who did not rebel.
I am showing a way in your husband, how he gets angry when a governing way tells him what to do. And he hates hearing that your way is under a government system that is greater than any detail natural-based. Can a human lead over Yahweh? Wouldn’t I have a leading plan, ultimately?
So, let’s stay here, but the way in hindrance will be dealt with in a certain time. For, just as when the door of the ark closed and no room was made for any other, so will the sealing of fate lead in all who I’ve weighed to work with Our servant.
It is just the way We expected, for no one can drink what power surging flows within. Here is what your husband should have said: “My dear life mate. If God says to go and win a harvest of souls for Him in South Florida, I will be there and go on the adventure with you. I cannot hear God tell me what He says to your spirit, but I actually see that God does talk to you.” Instead, the way your husband speaks is this:
How dare you try and make me leave my first child. I have to bring reconciliation with the first group of my children. I do not believe God is saying anything. And you cannot make me leave here. You heard me say in previous ways if you are to go, then find a way to get there. I will not help you.
And We—Yahweh—say, servant, your way is held in innocent rulings, and you will not have any punished ways for not being able to keep unity in the midst of Kingdom order. His words, “Of course they do,” says, “You have a way to escape; let’s see if you will leave me just as that other person did many years ago.”
I will treat you as Moses and bring the fullness in the wilderness of transition. Take on many world visits with many churches. Give a great many levels of reports. Share your worth. What is your actual value? Is it your job title or natural pay you are looking at? No. I placed precious jewels in the walls in your home in Heaven. One precious jewel is worth great income in Heaven, but on Earth, the worth is even greater.
No more begging to be this worth that caters to others. Look at your purpose with My view. Look at what you are birthed forward to take on. What are you meant to be? A world-level prophet who can shift natural clay with the great power of Yahweh.
My great power is the way to turning into the way of powerful shifts. You cannot depend on little paying work plans to bring My full will forward. Trust in Yahweh. I know you need to pay these bills. At the same breath, you must turn. Your outer appearance—it is the first shift. Power will take over your way. And power will bring forward the purpose that you are created to walk in.
Do not think that he is content living right here. He will be extremely content in Northern Virginia.
Yahweh will give provision, protection, and power so that you can leave him here to move into the season of street ministry. Get into position. Some of those prophets are hearing well, and Yahweh wants to bring you into power ways in this season to deal with a way to give major world-level messages with My backing.
But do not make your husband leave here. You go and do Yahweh’s great will.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
With great humility, this detail is given as a report.
I went to the church way in Virginia Beach at the Lord’s will. He showed me His will as the service took way. I came with two others, and that plan was truly different. They had a will to sit in front of most of the congregation, yet with that view, it truly is difficult to see the full detail in the whole building.
I took a seat in a very cold building. This is noticed due to how many were in attendance. Not a full house, but there were enough gathered to have it where you didn’t feel it was a dead way.
I sat down in preparation for the starting detail. I noticed something unique: They had prayer time in the altar-platform area. And this was a good way to prepare. The atmosphere did not have a static charge until the worship leader welcomed the Great King at the prayer gathering. Even before the service started, Yahweh had my full attention when He shifted the atmosphere. He pointed out the moment He made it clear that He truly was there.
Worship had not even started based on the church time frame, yet God had already shown up. His presence was tangible if someone knew how to give it out to the people.
The way was open. The church welcomed the Great Way, the Great Holy Spirit, and also the Great Father. All Three were verbally invited to be there in the service gathering. It was a good way to start a service. I was told to observe how the people worshipped. Some were in a plan to observe yet pretend to worship. I can only say this due to King Jesus stating who was worshipping and who was not.
Some were raising their hands and jumping, yet He wasn’t noticing the way in the outward movement. The Great King told me what was getting His attention. It was how their offering of worship came up to the Throne Room.
In this service, a couple was moving to Oklahoma. They were faithful to this church house. While they were walking up to be released into their new season, with them in the spirit realm, I was able to see an angel standing with each. Angels surrounded them. They were also covered by a larger angel that guarded how the servants were dealt with. Angels showed up and sent them off to their new way in their field in God’s Kingdom.
There was also a wave of power over the congregation in this service. But the wave did not come into the people; it hovered. The God I AM showed me that they had reached a peak, where they must learn to take up a new level. There is an anointing. There is an outlet for power surgings, yet the open Heaven is lacking. They have a detail to grow and take in more things, more plans, more work, but there must be training on how to break through past the early stages of release in Kingdom glory.
Who has the authority to place Heaven into earthly realms? Can’t we pray that God’s Kingdom will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven? Can we seek God’s Kingdom first as well as His righteousness? Can’t we get a deep filling as we learn to wait in God’s presence? You can have a great building. You can have great ushers. You can have great workers and great fundraisers, but there is one thing you cannot make with human effort: glory.
What would truly have to be made clear to have a true glory visitation? Make room.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
I went to this church building that had other campuses in a local way. There were all races gathered in this church way. There was a small gathering there before the service started, and this detail was a prayer planning to enter God’s presence in a real way. We sat in the back so that I could fully drink the meeting. There were no restrictions on where I could sit, which gave me freedom that is very hard to receive in other places.
I have to truly see that each church way has its way of doing service gatherings.
I am truly hungry for a real way that is deep in the Great Way. Who can I share this with? I truly had a tough time sensing the presence of the One to who they were praying. It is spoken this way to have it truly clear that they were seeking the same God that I worship, yet I could not walk into the sanctuary and feel His tangible presence.
Am I looking for too much in each building? Am I hoping for more than the everyday Christian expects? Is it all a detail that these church ways will not ever have a way to truly see?
Is there true hunger for God, where we truly want to hear Him speak and enter His presence with real transparency that could not be dampened by anything the enemy does? What can I say concerning this church way? They prayed, and God was truly pleased. They called out to God, and He was truly listening. Their way seemed to have all the parts needed but one element.
I will wait and hear King Jesus speak His will.
Fire. They lacked fire. They had the people gathered, and the musicians sang well, and the pastors prayed well. I also gave a word during their service to expect the impossible, but what if you have a church that is being led by logic? You would truly have to break into that cell of using the brain to lead with natural systems and let the Great Way lead with His Spirit, giving you the way to walk in supernatural planning ways.
The church has to truly see: You can have all of the needed planning ways yet also move with a hindering plan that would keep you out of supernatural power. I have shown you what is truly lacking: They are afraid to venture out into unknown spiritual territory. They are young in that plan, and that’s why they have an open floor for any to speak a word from God that would help them.
The prophet’s office has to be placed in church ways for a true gauge of the structure in place. There are many wolves who will come in and give many false hopes and will lead people astray. That is truly why prophets are needed. If all Christians had a deep hearing, there would not be such a separation with these cultures of church ways.
Should there be churches that keep women from leading? Should there be churches that take on Satan’s nature and would defile My altar?
Should some churches ignore My Spirit based on a fear that there will be false messages? Should a church be only one race? Should My Body be confused about using spiritual gifts? Should there be a great love for money and for self-pleasures of this earthly living? Why aren’t demons being expelled? Would it surprise you that most Christians have a fear of dealing with demons?
Why can you not be drinking deeply in one local church way? I have taken that longing away from you. Go pastor the Internet church that you were given from your Great King. Visit other churches to engage, but do not join any local way. Your offices will take you into the deep dealings of the churches, and you will learn church politics very well.
You have started a major way of work that will now catapult you. It will not be the way that you truly think. When they start to hear from you, there will be a deep drinking, and many will seek you out for ministry details. Love all the same yet fear Me and not the people. Come and taste a new way. It is truly very different than what is moving this day.
Tulsa, Oklahoma